Innovation needs structure. Rapid growth can quickly go off the rails when important processes are neglected. We support you with stocktaking, review and optimisation of all the key processes that you can put in place to create a future-proof growth path.

Process management

We help you with the standardisation and documentation of your main processes and service processes

  • Service-oriented review of main processes and service processes.

  • Documentation of processes and process steps.

  • Training in and familiarisation with process-oriented action.

Organisation and

We make your process flows transparent, establish measuring points and analyse KPIs, draw conclusions and optimise:

  • Creation of KPI models

  • Measurement and analysis of process performance.

  • Recording of process costs and optimisation of service quality.


We help you to make your processes more flexible and work closely with you to develop tools that help you achieve successful results.

  • Integration of modern working methods and tools.

  • Modelling of teams.

  • Highlighting value and impact for the organisation and individuals.

Get in touch.

Dr.-Ing. Dana Yma Faulenbach   
Managing Director